Welcome to: I Did It So Can You
If you’re a first time visitor to my site let me give you a quick guided tour so you can find your way around.
Social Media Buttons: If you look to the left of the website Logo, in the black border you’ll see two links direct to my Twitter and Facebook
Top Left Menu: Moving down from the heading and description of the site, the first small menu shows the four most recent posts or articles.
Bottom Left Menu: This is where all the posts are. You can find them arranged in specific categories, some posts will be in more than one category if it covers aspects of each topic. Some of them will stand alone, others may be part of a series. Hopefully they’ll be in a sensible order for you to find your way around.
Top Right: In today’s world there are many distractions that move our focus rapidly and often. If you want to make sure that you don’t miss the latest news or an inspirational post, register for the weekly newsletter. You’ll get a brief summary of the week’s posts with links to click straight to the article you want to read in full. A real time saver if you have a specific interest, rather than a general interest in all topics.
Middle Right Menu: This is where you clicked to get to this page. These pages are different from the rest of the site. They provide the background as to why this website exists as well as other features to keep you motivated and inspired to achieve your goals. In time, useful resources will be added there.
You should now be able to find your way around.
Do you have a story to tell?
If you have a story to tell of how you escaped the rat race, or maybe you’ve found a great system or a way to make money online, maybe you’ve set up a business and would like to share what you learned and want to inspire others, send me an email via the Contact Me page, and each week, the most inspiring story (only with your permission of course) will be selected and shared on a feature coming soon called ‘Your Stories’.
Need Something Reviewing?
Have you come across a system that you’re not sure about, or a product that seems to good to be true and you’re uncertain whether its worth the time and money?
Use the ‘Contact Me’ page to tell me about it and I’ll have a look at it for you.
Enjoy the website, I hope it is of use to you, and that you are inspired to change your life the way I have.